Virtualware participates alongside Invest in Hamilton at Collision to present the recently new VR lab unveiled.
Virtualware Canada
The inauguration event will take place on June 1st at McMaster Innovation Park (MIP) in Hamilton, where guests will have the opportunity to explore the 100m2 facility and experience live demonstrations of initial VR use cases developed by Dr. Emadi’s research team and industrial examples created by Virtualware.
Putting Virtualware expertise in creating enterprise-grade XR ecosystems to the service of all members, accelerating digital transformation and adoption of innovative technologies.
Virtualware is participating on Day 1, in a panel titled “How the Automotive sector is benefiting from the use of eXtended Reality Technology”
Join the Florida Simulation Summit to tackle the challenges on harnessing simulation in everyday life
Virtualware Joins Autodesk Technology Centers Residency Program
A place to hear from industry experts on how to implement efficient and scalable VR and AR solutions.