Advanced education through VIROO

advanced education through viroo

The future of education’s transformation is happening right now, with universities and institutions playing a leading role in the advancement of knowledge and innovation.  Although Virtual Reality is not new technology, we know that one of the biggest challenge universities face is the ability to scale these tools across their organizations.

Finding a system that allows for broader adoption of these innovative technologies that can also evolve with the constant changes in curriculums, academic personnel, students, and talent force demands is paramount to its successful integration.

How can we make learning more relevant, resilient, and effective and take traditional education to the next level?

A 2020 study from PwC, found that VR learners are 4X faster to train and our own research has shown nearly 90% of our learners were more confident with our VR training. The immediate actualization of theory improves knowledge retention, with retention levels from VR learning up to 75%, compared to 5-10% for other learning methods. Hands-on experience stimulates an emotional response from learning and makes training more memorable.

With all of this in mind, we have created VIROO®, an all-in-one enterprise-grade platform solution, that enables universities, research, and innovation centers to access a complete infrastructure that streamlines the incorporation of VR technology as a distinguishing element of its academic offer.

The Technological University of El Retoño (UTR), Conalep, and Deusto University are some of the educational institutions already elevating their VR integration by using hybrid -onsite and remote- learning powered by our VIROO® ecosystem.

One of the challenges identified by those universities was the necessity to keep up with the rapid evolution of technology and avoid being left behind. A need for innovation that will not only improve the teaching-learning processes so students will be better prepared to rule the digital world but will also reduce the gap between university and industry, fostering a collaboration that will contribute to global economic growth.

With VIROO, Educational Institutions can now Create the Future World’s Top Leaderst
  • Reduce the gap between university and industry and prepare students for the real world.
  • Boost enrolment by being at the forefront of educational innovation.
  • Become the creator of the future world’s best leaders.

And finally, students: Are Ready To Rule The World
  • Speed up learning acquisition and increase lifelong retention.
  • Spark critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity in the classroom.
  • Be ready with the tools they will use in the new digitally connected world.
  • Develop and retrain professional skills in safe simulated contexts.
  • Work Collaboratively.

On the other hand, teachers have the tool to Bring Out The Best In their Students
  • Better knowledge transfer through “learning by doing” full immersive lessons.
  • Raise students’ motivation to the highest levels.
  • Bring your classes to life and create unforgettable learning experiences.
  • Combine remote and physical.

“The VR Center is contributing to local economic growth and social development through technology transfer. An open space not only for our students, but also for companies that may require it”

Emanuel Carrillo, UTR Vice-Chancellor

“Affordable, Scalable, Multi-user, VR Content, Mobile, Simple, Collaborative, hybrid  are some of the features of VIROO”

Jesús Garrido, Virtualware EMEA Business Manager

How to get to the next level

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