High-Demand 3D Scenario Rendering from the Cloud for Multi-User Virtual Reality Experiences The objective is to research and develop the infrastructure and tools necessary to provide a high-demand 3D scenario processing service from the cloud for multi-user virtual reality experiences.
- Permita a una persona usuaria con un visor compatible y una aplicación ligera en el visor llamar una instancia VIROO®
- Que se asigne como respuesta a esta instancia una GPU virtual (en la nube) donde se alojarán los cálculos de la representación
- Ejecutar la aplicación VIROO® Player en el GPU virtual asignado
- Recibir la representación de la escena vía Streaming (5G o wifi) en el visor
- Solicitar la parada del servicio y la liberación de la GPU virtual
Flexible and Reconfigurable Manufacturing systems based on Robot-Machine Collaboration. The R2M consortium proposes to investigate manufacturing systems based on robot-machine collaboration, with the aim of being able to offer flexible and reconfigurable solutions, whose value proposition for the client is to have multifunctional manufacturing systems, resilient and with possibilities of future evolution, without incurring in expensive re-engineering investments.
The consortium partners will work on:
- Reconfigurable cell control
- Manufacturing Cell Virtualization
- Collaboration and assistance to people
- Advanced robot control
- Autonomous navigation
- Characterization of geometry and position of elements in space
- Increased robot accuracy
Funded by the Basque Government. HAZITEK Strategic Programme
The purpose of this project is the development of a new platform for medical simulation using virtual reality, health and academic technology and methodology.
The consortium partners will work on:
- Create an innovative virtual reality health training tool not only from the technological point of view, but also from the methodological point of view
- Research in the processes of acquisition of skills with the use of virtual reality technologies
- Create tools for analysis and measurement of results taking into account the methodology designed
- Create a scalable and evolutionary solution
- Develop and validate the tool iteratively and in a health training environment
Funded by the Basque Government. HAZITEK Strategic Programme.
HAPTICVR aims to replace tailored console elements developed for a single application by a robotic system that allows programming different haptic responses.
The consortium partners will work on:
- Demonstrate the feasibility of using a robotic solution as a virtual haptic element in a virtual reality training environment.
- Verify the impact on system usability and user experience.
- Advance in the R&D of robotic control technologies, human robot interaction and extended and immersive reality technologies
Funded by the Basque Government. HAZITEK Strategic Programme
The Objective of this project is:
- An innovative platform for monitoring, diagnosis, and control of urban water supply networks through advanced 3D visualisation
The consortium partners will work on:
- A digital twin of the water supply network including simulation-based on EPANET
- Advanced display tool of the main elements of the network and simulation results in an Augmented Reality environment and Virtual Reality
- Integral Security Platform for risk management, automation of safety processes and integrated dashboard in the W3D global panel for water supply networks.
- Artificial Intelligence System for water consumption pricing and for measuring and improving asset impairment.
Funded by the Basque Government. HAZITEK Strategic Programme
AIRWARE IMMERSIVE TOOLS. IMMERSIVE TOOLS, ARVR, FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF UTA AIR TREATMENT UNITS. It is a new technological development that through the combination of immersive technologies (Mixed Reality and Virtual Reality) and BIM technology, will improve the productivity of Airlan workers and facilitate the design, installation and maintenance of Airlan air conditioning equipment.
The consortium partners will work on:
- Augmented reality solution for the visualization and configuration of UTA together with the customer in their facilities in a way direct.
- Scanning algorithms and treatment of 3D environments for the visualization of the environment and study of the UTAs to be installed in different stages of the project
- Virtual reality solution visualization of work follow-ups and possibility of multi-user virtual meetings.
- Integration of content in BIM format that Airlan has already generated and use of metadata of these contents to give information.
Funded by the Basque Government. HAZITEK Strategic Programme
Ludusglobal for VIROO® (2021-2022)
El objetivo del proyecto es:
El proyecto Ludusglobal for VIROO® es un proyecto de innovación en colaboración entre Ludus y Virtualware. En este proyecto se plantea un estudio para demostrar la viabilidad tecnológica de la posible colaboración entre las dos empresas, y una vez se haga el estudio y viendo las conclusiones que en este se indiquen, el diseño de las mejoras específicas necesarias para que la plataforma de Ludus pueda ser implantado en VIROO® y así poder ofrecer una solución que aporte más valor a los clientes y poder abrir nuevos mercados.
”Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiak finantzatu du proiektu hau, 2021eko Elkarlanean Programaren barruan eta FEDER funtsaren kofinantziazioa ere badauka / Este proyecto ha sido financiado por la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia dentro del Programa Elkarlanean 2021 y cuenta con cofinanciación del FEDER
El alcance de este proyecto es el diseño y desarrollo de una VIROO® APPLICATION para realizar procesos de revisión de diseño. Dicha aplicación deberá cumplir con los objetivos: cargar ficheros de diseño en tiempo real, interactuar con el diseño cargado y realizar acciones necesarias de los procesos de revisión de diseño.
Desde el punto de vista científico, se avanzará en los conocimientos relacionados con el almacenamiento o codificación, carga, representación e interacción de ficheros de modelos 3D ya sea simples como complejos.
”Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiak finantzatu du proiektu hau, 2021eko 2i Programaren barruan eta FEDER funtsaren kofinantziazioa ere badauka / Este proyecto ha sido financiado por la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia dentro del Programa 2i 2021 y cuenta con cofinanciación del FEDER
El alcance de este proyecto es el desarrollo de una VIROO® APPLICATION para que las entidades usuarias puedan realizar procesos mediante metodología DESIGN THINKING en Realidad Virtual.
El proyecto surge de la estrecha colaboración entre Virtualware y la Universidad de Deusto, donde a raíz de la pandemia de COVID19, desde Deusto Dual se topan con un escenario nuevo para abordad el proceso dual y un gran reto: realizar procesos de Design Thinking en formato online.
”Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiak finantzatu du proiektu hau, 2021eko Bizkaia Creativa Programaren barruan eta FEDER funtsaren kofinantziazioa ere badauka / Este proyecto ha sido financiado por la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia dentro del Programa Bizkaia Creativa 2021 y cuenta con cofinanciación del FEDER
REmote colaborative vr
The objective of this project is:
- Remote Collaborative VR, Generation of a new collaborative and distributed Virtual Reality system, for large scale immersive environments
The consortium partners will work on:
- developing a cloud control panel to manage the execution of several VIROO rooms.
- developing the avatar communication module that allows all users to interact with others in a natural way, synchronizing gestures, postures, etc.
- develop an intermediary server.
- develop a voice-ip communication system.
Funded by the Basque Government. HAZITEK Strategic Programme
The objective of this project is:
- to explore the fundamentals of designing virtual reality training environments with artificial intelligence systems integrated where human operators and collaborative robots can carry out working sessions and joint training in a virtual, safe, economic way and with agile configuration and deployment.
- This type of environment would allow collaborative robots to “train” under circumstances and contexts to learn how to react appropriately to situations they may face in their daily work with human operators when deployed in real environments and thus mitigate problems arising from unusual situations
The consortium partners will work on:
- To design parameterizable models that enable these different types of agents in a virtual environment to subject them to automatic learning techniques
- Designing a set of algorithms for automatic learning of collaborative robots
- Designing a set of algorithms for automatic learning of the behaviour of human operators
- Designing a set of algorithms to optimize the collaboration between humans and robots when they perform a task together
Funded by the Basque Government. ELKARTEK Strategic Programme.
The objective of this project is:
- To advance in the development of a system that from the theoretical structure of the factory and by means of an autonomous robotic system generates the 3D model of the real situation of the factory, capable of detecting all its components for their univocal identification, in order to have their precise location and thus generate the structure of the factory 4.0.
The consortium partners will work on:
- Location and control of an autonomous robot that is capable of moving around a factory in a safe and efficient way, in such a way that it can generate a mesh and a cloud of points autonomously.
- Processing of data captured by scanning sensors installed in an autonomous robot to obtain reliable and precise 3D information about the objects to be digitised.
- Correlation of large point clouds with lighter meshing scans, both obtained by sensors installed in an autonomous robot.
- Simplification and correction of point clouds with millimetric precision for use in the treatment of matching with digital twin entities.
- Segmentation of industrial assets based on point clouds.
- System for the identification of elements through instance detection techniques on selected data base.
- Automation of the matching of 3D objects with theoretical digital models such as BIM models.
- Automatic inclusion of geopositioned matched models in theoretical digital models.
- Automatic update of the digital factory model based on changes or updates in digital twins.
- Representation of digital models in mixed reality in real time for the handling of operators.
- Implementation of parametric algorithms that allow the interaction of digital twins
Funded by the Basque Government. ELKARTEK Strategic Programme.
It is aimed at providing mayor security using the surgical robotized assistant (developed by Cyber Surgery). Virtualware has worked in reducing the learning process of the robotic system, by developing a #VR training environment and Cyber Surgery has developed a guided and smart system, that provides more accurate and secure when moving the robotic assistant.
Project-partners: Ceit, Vicomtech, Virtualware Labs, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Biodonostia and Biocruces Bizkaia Instituto Investigación Sanitaria / Osasun Ikerketa Institutua
Digital-modelled intelligent powertrain for connected electric bus.
The Objective of IPOWER 4.0 is:
- to accelerate the transformation process so that the bus manufacturing sector in the Basque Country continues to be a world reference in the field of electromobility,
The consortium partners will work on :
- the development of the digital twin of the “heart” of the bus, traction and energy storage systems
- the incorporation of new microelectronics technologies and new state-of-the-art communication technologies to improve the efficiency and autonomy of the bus and relations with the environment
- the consideration of security at all levels and the development of a new service layer based on the exploitation of cloud data and the use of augmented reality techniques.
Funded by the Basque Government. Hazitek Strategic Programme
CARETEK-Immersive system for combined intervention with elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and their family carers.
The Objectives of this project are:
- To satisfy the needs of elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias, as well as their family carers.
- To improve their quality of life and encourage the elderly person to remain in the personal, family and community environment.
Funded by the Basque Government. Hazitek Competitive Programme.
HAUSKOR-New scenarios for the promotion of autonomy and health in ageing.
The Objectives of this project are:
- To provide healthcare professionals with comprehensive tools for a simple, quantifiable and objective assessment of fragility in the elderly and a prescription for the most appropriate physical exercise to avoid or reverse dependence.
- To develop strategies and create friendly environments and services that facilitate the participation of the elderly in multi-component functional exercise programmes as an optimum therapy for reversing the state of fragility and improving their autonomy and quality of life.
Funded by the Basque Government. Hazitek Strategic Programme.
SMARTEX – Intelligent Platform for Rehabilitation Exercises Adapted to Muscular Fatigue through Electromiography.
The Objectives of this project are:
- To provide a wireless system detecting muscle fatigue by processing electromyography (EMG) signals in functional exercises in a Serious Games approach for the rehabilitation of the upper limb.
Funded by the Basque Government. Hazitek Competitive Program.
VIRTBUS- Highly configurable driving simulator for buses and articulated buses
The Objective of this project was:
- To develop an optimized simulation system that integrates a set of hardware devices that allow training in the driving process of the vehicles detailed above, along with a set of software tools.
Funded by the Basque Government. Hazitek Competitive Program.
NEUROMOD – Closed-loop neuromodulation system to improve sleep and memory based on neuronal regeneration and manipulation.
The Objective of this project was:
- To develop an innovative brain regeneration system and memory enhancer that works while you sleep, based on closed-loop neuromodulation.
Funded by the Basque Government. Hazitek Competitive Program.
3DSAT – Interactive system to optimize industrial processes of manufacture, maintenance and training
The Objective of this project was:
- To develop an interactive platform that allows intelligent assistance and monitoring in real time in manufacturing processes, maintenance and training for the industrial sector in remote on-site or off processes under appropriate levels of effectiveness, significantly improving pre-existing technological systems and processes, as well as an increase in productivity of the processes listed.
Funded by the Basque Government. Hazitek Competitive Program.
INICIAR – Industrial Interaction with localized Augmented Reality
The Objective of this project was:
- To research, develop and validate human-machine interaction technology in contextualized industrial environments based on augmented reality and natural language, capable of guiding operators safely in maintenance operations and machinery revision.
Funded by the Basque Government. Elkartek Programme.
EXOTEK – Rehabilitation system for stroke with serious games and exoskeleton myoelectric control.
The Objective of this project was:
- To develop a platform for motor rehabilitation of the upper limb in LCA survivors based on the myoelectric control of an exoskeleton and performed in a virtual reality (VR) environment.
Funded by the Basque Government. Elkartek Programme.
REHAHAND – Robotic system for the rehabilitation of patients with upper limbs damage
The Objective of this project was:
- To develop an innovative system of motorized rehabilitation hardware and software for upper limbs (arm/hand) and its complexity when carrying out the rehabilitation process.
Funded by the Basque Government. Hazitek Competitive Programme.
BIOGAME – Technological platform for leisure, training and interactive neuromuscular rehabilitation
The Objective of this project was:
- To create a technological platform for leisure, training and interactive neuromuscular rehabilitation that allows people with intellectual and/or neuromotor disabilities to interact from home with games validated by experts in therapies, orienting them to the cognitive development of specific situations.
Funded by the Basque Government. Hazitek Competitive Programme.
e-SARCOPENIA – Technological Platform for the prevention, detection, monitoring, support and help of Sarcopenia in the elderly through serious games.
The Objective of this project was:
- To promote the active ageing of an elderly population through the implementation of preventive gerontology activities such as a specific programme of physical exercise and/or nutritional advice, which promotes and develops healthy lifestyles and improves their quality of life through the maintenance of their independence and the prevention and/or delay of sarcopenia.
Funded by the Basque Government. Hazitek Competitive Programme.